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Ranunculaceae (Buttercups)

This family has about 2,000 species in 50 genera. They are often called the herbacous conterpart to the Magnoliaceae because of the structure of their flowers. Larxspurs (Delphinium sp) and Columbines (Agualegia) are in the family. They are usuall found in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. These plants are also well-known for their toxic alkaloids. Wolfbane (Aconitum napellus) for instance was mixed in sheap meat to potentially kill wolves that would later eat it.

Systematics: The flowers are often bisexual. They are arranged in 2 5-merous cycles. The petals are nectariferous near the base. The flowers have lots of stamens and lots of pistils, which is why they are often considered a counterpart of the Magnolieds.


Actaea rubra


Aquilegia sp.


Delphinium sp.

Marsh Marigold

Caltha sp.


Aconitum sp.

Floral Diagram

Floral Formula

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