True Frogs
Family Ranidae

Native species in Hawaii: 0

Introduced species: 2

Turtles of Hawaii Lizards of Hawaii Snakes of Hawaii Frogs of Hawaii

There are two easily seen 'true frogs' that are present on the islands; the Bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) and the Wrinkled frog (Rana rugosa: shown above). Neither are usually found in the same habitat, or look at all similar. The bullfrog can reach nearly 7 inches and lives in slower moving waters in the flats. The wrinkled frog is easily seen in the upland watersheds as one hikes up and across streams near trails. THis particular photo was taken from a posing wrinkled frog in Palolo valley, as he sits on a guava fruit.

Poison Arrow Frogs


Coquis Frogs




Other True Frogs


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