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Mangroves of Mexico

Joseph Coleman

Hawaiian Nature Guide:

Hello, my name is Joseph. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. Coming from an area rich in mountains and evergreens, I developed an interest in my surroundings at a young age. Audubon books filled my shelves. To see a unknown species of mushroom in my back yard was an exciting opportunity to investigate and discover.

Later, at age 17, I would attend a mountaineering school where I developed skills to safely climb the Olympic and Cascade mountains.

I enjoyed hiking in groups and getting to know people on the trail. A sense of adventure guided me to explore more. Namely, the world outside Washington state and the academic world of higher learning. With a friend of mine I spent 3 months riding motor cycles around the USA. I loved seeing the beauty of the Nation but I also enjoyed the subtle difference of the people in each state.

After my "easy rider" trip I entered The Evergreen State College in Olympia Washington. At Evergreen I took a couple of study abroad programs. One in France and the other in the Ivory Coast of West Africa. I graduated from Evergreen, with a Liberal Arts Degree, in 2000 and moved to Hawaii to explore the tropical Islands.

Naturally interested in my surroundings, I began to learn about Hawaii's interesting and unique flora and fauna. After studying the natural history of the Hawaiian Islands, I began to lead guided adventures for Oahu Nature Tours. I am now a senior guide and have worked with Oahu Nature Tours for two years. Living in Hawaii is leading me to explore new territories of higher learning. I plan to work on getting my masters in evolutionary biology at the University of Hawaii

Joseph C.

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Rob Nelson

Joseph Coleman

Hawaiian Biodiversity

Hawaiian Geology

Plants of the World

Coral Reef Ecology