Donate Footage

African SnailDonate your footage for use in our free online videos:

Explore Biodiversity is trying to create a database of free online videos for teachers but we can't do that without some great wildlife video. We realize that half the battle is finding the shots and other half of the battle is editing them together into a great story.

We have the abilit to edit them together into short stories for the kids, but we're often lacking the video to back them up. If you'd like to help us by donating video material, we can help you out as well.

First, you retain copyright to all footage. We simply ask for the ability to use them in certain specified online video clips. A prominant credit is given to the individuals who provide the origional footage and links are made on our site back to the owner. Finally, you are given assureance that your work has not gone to waste but is instead used as an educational outreach (often an important part of most grants).

Contact us for more details.

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