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Sweet Clover: Melilotus sp

Other names: honey clover.

Ever walk into a store to get a sweet honey and see ‘clover-honey’. Ever wonder how it was made? Clover honey is simply the byproduct of bees foraging on either the Trifolium clovers or the Melilotus species. The clovers themselves have a sweet-scented coumarin present in the herb. This helps give it the sweet flavor.

Medicinal Uses: The tea is used for upset stomachs and intestinal infections. But be careful because it contains a lot of coumarin, which is an anticoagulant. Thus, if you are using prescription drugs, it may combine inappropriately.

Food uses: The clover can be added to salads for the greens, or eaten raw as a pot-herb. Caution should be taken however, when consuming clover, because it has been reported that livestock can suffer bloat and skin sensitivity when eating too much of this plant.


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