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This is a family of about 2850 species in 275 genera. Many of the plants in this family are found in northern temperate climates or at higher elevations in tropical areas. They've also been used for food. For instance, parsely, parsnip, and carrots are all included in the family. The. Dill (Anethum graveolens) is used to flavor dill pickles, and coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is a popular spice in China and India. However, its important to differentiate species in this family, because while some may be edible, some are deadly poisonous.


Cow Parsnip

Heracleum lanatum

Cow Parsnip

Heracleum sphondylium

Poison Hemlock

Cicuta douglasii

Water Hemlock

Cicuta mackenzieana

Angelica sp.

Angelica sp.


Ligusticum scoticum

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